
Terms and Flags

About Me

‣ Tee
‣ Legally 21, traditionally 22
‣ Binaflux (transmasc)
‣ Biracial (about 70% Asian)
‣ Disabled and neurodivergent
‣ Alterhuman (Otherkin, otherhearted)
‣ Agnostic Christian Omnist
‣ INFJ (MBTI), INTP-T (NERIS), 4w5 (Enneagram)


What I will make:
‣ Terms
‣ Flags
‣ Avatars
Communities I will coin terms for:
‣ Alterhuman
‣ Agere/Agedre
‣ POC/Asian
‣ Neurodivergent
‣ Disabled
Communities I can't coin terms for:
‣ Petre/Petdre
‣ Furry
Communities I typically won't coin terms for:
‣ System/Plural
‣ Therian
I will only coin terms for communities I am a part of. It is not my place to coin terms entirely outside of my experience. I will also try to avoid coining terms for communities I am less educated on.Since I am not Black nor Indigenous, I can't coin terms that are specific to those communities; however, I can coin terms that are exclusive to POC in general, as well as those that are exclusive to Asians.I am not a pet/species regressor nor a furry, so I can't coin terms for those communities; however, I can coin terms for age regressors or regression in general.I'm not an active member of the plural community, and I'm not in the therian community, so this is not the best place to go to for such terms.

How to request a term:
Send me an ask (it can be anonymous). I will need the following information:

  • Whether you want me to name the term (if not, please provide the name you want)

  • Whether you want me to make a flag (provide necessary flag information; otherwise, include a link to the flag you'd like to use, or state if you don't want any flags)

  • The definition you want, or an explanation of what you'd like the definition to be (clarify whether the definition can be tweaked by me/others)

  • Whether the term is exclusive, and if so, who the term is exclusive to

  • Whether you would like to be credited, and if so, how you would like to be credited (username and website/social media)

How to request a flag:
First, if you are requesting an alternate flag for an existing term, make sure the coiner allows others to create flags. Second, make sure the term is not exclusive to a group I'm not a part of. If none of this applies, you can send me an ask (it can be anonymous). I will need the following information:

  • Colours and/or palettes you'd like used

  • How many stripes you'd like, or if you'd even like stripes to be used at all

  • The overall design you'd like

  • Whether you want the flag to have a symbol, and if so, what kind of symbol

  • Meanings you'd like incorporated into the design

What happens after a request is made:

  • If the request is accepted, the ask will be publically answered with the completed term and/or flag

  • If the request is declined, the ask will be privately answered with a reason why (unless the request was anonymous, in which case, Tumblr doesn't allow it to be answered privately)

  • When the term/flag has been created, changes may be suggested through an ask or comment; however, this doesn't apply to anonymous asks, because I can't clarify whether it's the same user who made the original request

  • The post can be reblogged, but not screenshotted/archived

  • The term/flag can be used anywhere without credit

  • The pinned post must still be followed


Why don't you allow your terms to be archived?
‣ An explanation can be found on the blog's pinned post, but to summarise, I have dealt with a stalker in the past and therefore prefer my digital footprint to be easier for me to keep track of. This can't be done with web archives involved.
What forms of neurodivergence/disability can you coin terms for?
‣ I can coin terms for anything that applies to me. This includes being autistic, alexithymic, aphantasic, a stutterer, a hoarder, or an ADHDer. It also includes having borderline personality disorder, persistent depressive disorder, major depressive disorder, panic attacks/anxiety, speech sound disorders, phobia disorders, rejection sensitive dysphoria, gender dysphoria, sensory processing disorder, congenital gastrointestinal disorder, motor tics, dermatillomania, chronic insomnia, reactive hypoglycemia, hypoempathy, disordered eating, psychotic symptoms, hypermobility spectrum disorder, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and a mild joint deformity.
What alterhuman labels do you use?
‣ I am mutantkin, octokin, wolfhearted, quicksilverhearted, and parahuman. My fictional kintypes include the female protagonist from P3P and the heroine from Chulip. I also have many synpaths. I can create flags for any kintypes and/or kithtypes; however, I am not therian, so I try to avoid making flags for theriotypes.
Why do you coin/collect so many terms?
‣ Originally, I didn't like having too many labels. So for the first seven years that I was out, I only identified as an asexual demiromantic trans guy. I eventually realised that my desire to keep my identity simple was actually deep-rooted in a need for acceptance. After working on myself, I started using the term 'boyflux' online (while using 'transmasc' in public because I didn't feel like coming out again). That label stuck for about a year before I realised that my gender had more to it. I spent some time questioning, and that's when I coined 'binaflux.' It was a single term that fully encapsulated my gender. And by coining that term, I discovered how much fun it was to coin things and create flags. I decided to start this blog and coin terms more often. I also started to collect terms, and it turned out that doing so really helped me with my hoarding disorder. As I hoarded labels, the need to hoard physical objects lessened.